Open post

Ministry in Ukraine

Dear Friends of the Jewish People,Shalom in the name of our blessed Messiah Y’shua.

It is hard to believe that Children of Jacob has been up and running for six months. It has been a very challenging and busy time as you can imagine. I want to thank all of you for the words of encouragement and support as we raise up this ministry for the good of Jewish people around the world.

In April I was in Poland for 10 days to raise support and awareness. We traveled all over the country speaking in churches about the large impoverished Jewish community just over the border in Ukraine. Always a difficult place for the Jewish people, the war with Russia has made conditions in Ukraine even worse. The response from the churches was overwhelming.

I have just returned from another 10 day trip this time to Ukraine. Driving for hours on some of the worst roads you can imagine made for some uncomfortable conditions, but the fellowship with other Believers who love the Jewish people made the traveling time a blessing. Every day we were in a different town speaking to hundreds of Jewish people about their Messiah. We had the opportunity to speak to Jewish people who had never heard the Gospel. We were given freedom to speak that I never imagined possible. Thanks to you we were able to distribute food to over 500 Jewish people. We were able to feed them physically as well as spiritually.

We met a single mother of two, “L.”, who is suffering with severe spinal problems. My heart went out to this woman as I understand the pain she lives with. The surgery is dangerous and very expensive. Thanks to you we were able to help this woman receive physical therapy to strengthen her back, relieve some of her pain and enable her to continue working to support her children.

Every night, after very long days, we had class. We covered many subjects like Jewish history, culture and life. Most importantly we talked about ways to share the Good News of the Messiah with the Jewish people. I was so impressed by the dedication and commitment of the people who attended the class.

We are planning a trip to Israel and Ethiopia in the near future. We will be working with our partners in Israel to aid those making Aliyah (returning to Israel) and to help plant a new congregation.

For many years I have had a vision for the Jewish community in Ethiopia. I am believing that we will be able to establish a center that will care for widows and orphans and provide a place for teaching in the Jewish community, teaching not only the Gospel but also a trade so that these precious people can provide for their own needs. This center will be a place of refuge and hope for the neediest and most vulnerable in this ancient Jewish community.

I wanted to share some impressions with you from this trip to Ukraine. Everywhere we traveled there were reminders of the power of the former Soviet Union. Huge factories that once produced vast amounts of goods now lie ruined and decaying, a legacy of pain and failure. It reminded me of the frailty and shortness of life. Our lives too are short; I don’t want my life to be like those factories, rather I want it to have eternal significance. Because of you, our faithful praying friends and supporters, we are making a difference that will have eternal significance. We can make a difference in the lives of elderly Holocaust survivors in Ukraine & Israel and the youngest, most vulnerable in Ethiopia. My most heartfelt prayer is that when the time comes to stand before the Messiah, that we will have gold, silver, and precious stones to lay at His feet. What better way to say thank you for all that He has given us, than to have a part in bringing the lost sheep of the house of Israel, the children of Jacob, back to Him.

Some of you have been sending funds for Children of Jacob through our account at the Assemblies of G-d headquarters. We have now been told that due to IRS regulations they cannot disburse these funds to Children of Jacob. So we humbly ask that those of you who have been making donations through our AG account, send those donations directly to Children of Jacob at PO Box 5782, Springfield, Missouri 65801 or through Paypal on our website, We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and all donations are deductible under the tax law. We will issue a monthly receipt along with a return envelope. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

Again, thank you for your friendship, encouragement, prayers and support. We could do nothing without you. May G-d bless you with every blessing of heaven. May He strengthen you in these difficult times and meet every need in Messiah. “Hazak, hazak, vnithazek”, Be strong, be strong, and be encouraged

For the children of Jacob,

Jеff & Viхiе

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