Interested in Serving the Messianic Believers in Kenya?

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Wow, Wow and Wow…. What a blessing to share and to be apart of the lives of over 250 Orphans in Isabania, Kenya.  The journey to heart of Kenya / Tanzania border took over 17 hours flying, 4 hours of driving over less than desirable terrain all to share the truth of God’s word with a group of Messianic believers in seemingly obscure part of the world.

No power, No plumbing, No Internet, No beds, No 3 meals a day, No modern convinces of 1st world living.. just smiles and laughter while everyone wanted to see the light skinned Americans who came to see them.

Upon our arrival, we were stunned and shocked to see the reality of 3rd or evenly possibly 4th world living.  People and orphans without homes, just seemingly sleeping where ever.  In the orphanage that we visited, there was one building reserved for the girls to sleep.  The mattresses which the older girls (2-3 per mattress) slept on were infested with bed bugs.  The younger girls slept on the on the concrete floor.

With your donations and support we were able to burn the infested mattress and purchase 5 triple bunked beds and 50 new mattresses for the children.

The children eat when their is food.  Most of their food supply is based on local agriculture and or donations from local people or overseas.  One thing that is important for Children of Jacob is help create a culture of self-sufficiency, a culture where the orphanages food supply is not dependent upon others, but could grow their own food.  Corn is the major food source in the area.  For the short term we were able to buy them enough corn to last for 3 month, and build a chicken coupe and chickens.  However for just $1600 annually, it is possible to rent last that yields 2 crops annually that would supply enough food to feed 250 children for 6 months.

My heart is drawn to the orphans, I believe that heart of God is Israel, but within that there is no doubt a special place for the orphans and the helpless.  God has great plans for this community, He has great plans for these children. We are blessed to a part of what God is doing in this community.


Ya’akov (James) 1:27 The religious observance that God the Father considers pure and faultless is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being contaminated by the world.

D’varim (Deu) 24:19 “When harvesting the grain in your field, if you forgot a sheaf of grain there, you are not to go back and get it; it will remain there for the foreigner, the orphan and the widow, so that Adonai your God will bless you in all the work you do. 

Yesha’yahu (Isa) 1: 17
Learn to do right; seek justice.
    Defend the oppressed.
Take up the cause of the fatherless;
    plead the case of the widow.

Want to be involved, want to visit Kenya?  Like the Marines … we are looking for a few Good Men and Women to get involved in this unique ministry opportunity.  Pray about it and send us a message.


I am often asked, “Rabbi what does the Children of Jacob International Ministries do?” Well there is not a quick and simple answer for the many things that the International Ministries does and what is has been involved with over the last 15 + years.  I have decided that it would be best to highlight some of the many exciting things that are happening!

Ethiopia is one of the most exciting works that Children of Jacob International Ministries is involved with.  Did you know that Ethiopian Jewish people can trace their roots to the 325 CE.  They are well known and active during the  David and Soloman and have some of the deep Jewish heritage.  However these Ethiopian Jews are seldom though of as part of the Jewish people of Israel.

You will not find a more worthwhile cause that the Ethiopian Jewish People.  They are certainly God’s chosen people in need.  Whether it is food, shelter, clothing, education or hope …. these are a people in need.  That is what the Children of Jacob International Ministries is called to do. “Bless Any Jewish Person, Anywhere in the World, in Any Way Possible.”

Click Here to Read the Rest of this Exciting Update

"I will bless those who bless you"

~ CJB Genesis 12:3

Ethiopian Refugee Receives a New Oven from Children of Jacob

2/16/2022 – Because of your gifts to the Children of Jacob, this Ethiopian Refugee who recently immigrated to Israel has been living meagerly, but thanks to your support we were able to bless her with this much needed oven so she can provide for her family.

Messianic Believers In Kenya?

Pray for Rabbi Jeff Freidman.  He has been presented with a tremendous opportunity to minister to a group of Jewish Messianic believers in a small village in Kenya.  This group of believers trace their heritage to Morocco and currently have an active congregation of around 70.  They have an orphanage and active ministry to children.  What makes this group of believers unique is that they are separated from any support.  There is no other ministry that has come alongside of them to help them mature and grow.  They have requested many things to help their ministry, to include a Torah, Kippahs, Prayer Shaws, Siddur, Hebrew educational curriculum and books, projector, laptop, speakers, generator and so forth.  The need is certainly great.  They are located by plane flight 1.5hrs. from the capital city of Nairobi Kenya.  Pray for Rabbi Friedman as he prepares for this once in a lifetime opportunity.  If you think you can help, either financially or by donating any items to help with this Synagogue, please contact us!



Romans 10:1 Brothers, my heart’s deepest desire and my prayer to God for Isra’el is for their salvation;


Children of Jacob

Mailing Address:
2373 S Florence Ave
Springfield, MO 65807


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