Poland is a country that has been one of the most difficult places for Jewish people. Almost three million Jews died here during World War 2. The Warsaw Ghetto and Auschwitz are notorious in their infamy. Until you personally visit these places they are hard to describe. I have been speaking in this environment for almost two decades. I have seen a seed change in the hearts of many of the churches of Poland. Where once they did not care about the Jewish people, today there is a new desire to bless the Jewish people. Now when I speak in churches about the need to bless the Jewish people there are many who receive the word, and help. I have done Passover meals and Channukah celebrations for thousands of Polish people. I have lectured and taught in The Pentecostal Seminary in Warsaw. Poland is very strategic as it is a Democracy and it borders the nation of Ukraine where there are tens of thousands of Jewish people in need. The Polish Church is strategically situated to make a huge impact on the elderly, impoverished Jewish people of Ukraine. Pray for the nation of Poland. They have had a very difficult history when it comes to the Jewish people but for now, they are favorable to Israel and the Jewish people. This, however, can change very quickly and there are ominous signs in the country.