Most people do not realize that almost half of the population of Israel lives below, at or just above the poverty line. More significantly, some estimates show that between 95-99% of the Jewish people have never heard a culturally relevant, contextually accurate presentation of the Gospel. Over the years we have helped to open 8 community centers where needy Jewish people could receive food, clothing, furniture, diapers and many other necessities of life. Several congregations arose from these help centers.
We had the privilege of raising half a million dollars for the purchase of a community center in Israel. This center is being used to minister to hundreds of Jewish people. Over the years we have been involved with many projects to improve the physical and spiritual condition of thousands of Jewish people. We have helped to renovate homes and congregations.
We have provided food for needy holocaust survivors. I have had the privilege of speaking to Jewish people from Eilat in the far south, to Kiriyat Shmona in the far north. We brought the Petra dance company to Israel to minister to the Russian Jewish community in the north. Petra participated in the independence day celebration in Karmiel. There were some 600 people at this event. Petra presented in dance the story of the harlot taken in adultery. There was not a dry eye in the house as the story of this woman played out in dance.
When she was set free by the Messiah there was cheering in the auditorium. At the end, dozens of the precious Jewish people gave their lives to the Messiah. This was repeated at every venue around Israel. We are planning more projects in Israel as the L-rd directs. The city of Kiryiat Shmona sits on the border with Lebanon. We are praying about starting a new congregation in this strategic city. If there is fighting with Lebanon, this city will need all the physical and spiritual help that we can provide.Please “pray for the peace of Jerusalem”. Pray for the salvation of the nation of Israel.
In 2019 We returned to Israel with the Petra dance company. We participated in the Karmiel independence day celebration where the girls performed for 600 people in the municipal auditorium. Once again dozens of hands went up at the invitation. We took the girls all over northern Israel with the same kind of response wherever they ministered.
Unfortunately COVID kept us out of the land for almost two years. Even though we were unable to be there physically we were still able to bless the people of Israel. We were able to help feed 20 needy holocaust survivors. We were also able to help renovate several homes. As soon as Israel opened up we were on the airplane!
On our recent trip, I had the opportunity to speak 6 times in 5 different cities. One of the local congregations is run by a medical Doctor. She overcame great odds and opened a clinic that ministers to the local community. Dr. J. ministers to the physical and spiritual needs of her patients. She has led many Jewish people as well as Muslims to faith in the Messiah.
She was in desperate need of a new electrocardiogram machine. The old machine was 20 years old and not reliable. With your help we were able to replace the machine. Dr. J. had tears in her eyes as she received the new machine. We were also able to renovate her old worn out building. Today it is a beautiful safe sanctuary. We are now helping to provide a safe access to the building for the elderly and handicapped members of her congregation.
We are hoping to help plant a new congregation in Kyriat Shmona. This city is almost on the border with Lebanon and would be in harms way should fighting break out. They will need a good congregation and material support in the event of war. Please pray about these plans. We spent our last night in Israel celebrating the first night of Channukah, the Feast of Dedication. Thanks to you we have been able to bless thousands of Jewish people in the land of Israel over the years.